Don't wanna netstat - connections alt version

published: April 23, 2023, 6:55 p.m. | last modified: April 23, 2023, 6:55 p.m.
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jcwarnerdev Blog Title: Don't wanna netstat - connections alt version

I built an alternate version of a notebook that can provide info on what IP addresses your computer is connection to. Check out my previous post, Netstat - What is your computer connecting to? to get to an interactive tool for you to check your own connections. I built this alternate while working to eliminate the need for a user to do the netstat copy action.

Unfortunately it only works on your own machine because the python script directly accesses information on your network connections. That direct access from a cloud-based notebook would be risky to say the least!

There are some benefits though...

I used an interactive map that will let you pan and zoom, or even switch to satellite view.

The connection data frame also has more info, including what process on your computer made the connection.

Download this alternate version from Github here!

Note: I had to modify \gmaps\

def is_atomic(elem):


    True if an element is a single atom and false if it's a collection


    return (

        isinstance(elem, string_types) or

        not isinstance(elem, collections.Iterable)


Needs to be (notice abc):

def is_atomic(elem):


    True if an element is a single atom and false if it's a collection


    return (

        isinstance(elem, string_types) or

        not isinstance(elem,


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