Smart Mirror (part 1) - Mark Rober Creative Engineering Course (part 4)

published: April 23, 2023, 8:07 a.m. | last modified: April 23, 2023, 8:07 a.m.
raspberrypi smart mirror nodejs

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jcwarnerdev Blog Title: Smart Mirror (part 1) - Mark Rober Creative Engineering Course (part 4)

Track Fitness Goals using Smart Mirror

One thing I used to love to do was to go for a run. I wouldn’t listen to music or be distracted by all the things that life threw at me. It was a time to be with thoughts and nature, weather permitting.

Nowadays it’s too easy to push off exercise as another chore that I don’t have time for, despite having an understanding of how good it is for our physical and mental well-being.

To prompt me to make time for more physical activity I am building a smart mirror which will incorporate fitness tracking. The mirror will be positioned in a prominent location where I see it several times a day.

During research I found a mirror program for a raspberry pi which already has a Google Fit integration. However, that module is not maintained and it only displays step counts. I would like to extend the module to include outputs similar to the way Google fit does on a phone, which would include maps of recent runs.

Other requirements I would like to get to are:

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