Smart Mirror (part 2) - Mark Rober Creative Engineering Course (part 5)

published: April 23, 2023, 8:18 a.m. | last modified: April 23, 2023, 8:18 a.m.
raspberrypi smart mirror nodejs

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jcwarnerdev Blog Title: Smart Mirror (part 2) - Mark Rober Creative Engineering Course (part 5)

Track Fit Activity on Smart Mirror

Mirror successfully programmed, built, and mounted! The main goal of this project was to display Google Fit data on the mirror which is hung in a place where I see my step tracking regularly.

Future work will be to build a more detailed presentation of Google Fit data, and add facial recognition with multiple profiles.

I’m happy with the current state of the build and am especially happy that I managed to find the screen and the frame at Goodwill for a total of 35 bucks! A bit of mirror film and one Raspberry Pi later I’m on my way to one useful tool!

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