XY Drawing Plotter (part 1) - Mark Rober Creative Engineering Course (part 1)

published: April 22, 2023, 3:18 p.m. | last modified: April 22, 2023, 3:18 p.m.
arduino art plotter

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jcwarnerdev Blog Title: XY Drawing Plotter (part 1) - Mark Rober Creative Engineering Course (part 1)

Youtube got me! It sucked me in to enrolling in Mark Rober's Creative Engineering class after hearing about it dozens of times...

It was a great experience and forced me to turn out a couple of creative projects over the course of about a month in January of 2022.

I'll be transferring my post from the course to my blog.

The course was through monthly.com at the time which looks like it has been renamed studio.com... I think the change broke some things so it doesn't look like I can share links to the original content anymore.

For now I'll do a quick and dirty text copy and a screenshot of the original post.

XY drawing plotter

I decided to work on a vertical XY drawing plotter. I see others chose to work on one too so it will be great to see the different final products!

For those not familiar, these plotters are able to make drawings by the coordinated movement of two stepper motors and a little bit of Earth’s gravity. I’m excited to make some cool pictures with one of these!


Based on my research and minimum prototype ( I cheated and got a a bit of a head start during this phase) I have kept my absolute requirement to a minimum:

My vision when I started thinking about this project (We’ll call these stretch goals):

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